Monday, March 30, 2009

Tips: How to master a foreign language

Today is globalization era where people can communicate to each other without limit. Given the increasing information technology, time and space dimensions are disembedded, said Anthony Giddens. Since communication needs another communicant’s own language, we need to learn and even master the certain foreign language. The remaining question will be how to master a foreign language. Here you some simple tips on in.

1. Forget your mother language

Our mother language has conquered every single thing in minds; thinking, logic, words, expressions, etc. Try to forget it and effort to get into the new world of the language you are going to master. This will compulsorily treat you to unconsciously apply the language you intend to learn. Additionally, this will remove the basic sense of communicating message from your given mother language to the new language.

2. Express ideas in the language you want to master

No matter what and who you are, you must always write, communicate, or speak. Express them in the language you are learning at the moment. This needs extra effort and energy accordingly. Somehow, you will find it easier and easier as the period of exercises goes. Start now or you will be too late to master the new language you dream of mastering it.

3. Identify the differences of your mother language and the new language you learn

There are lots of differences between your mother language and the foreign language learned. Identify how they work in expressing ideas and setting up sentences. This will be the basic and fundamental knowledge to apply the correct expression of certain foreign language.

4. Find a private consultant to guide your learning process

Tutor or consultant is just the same. They will be the ones who guide us learning the new language. Have a private tutor that will give the important clicks of the language you are learning. This will accelerate the process of mastery.

5. Find one or more partners to keep practicing

Practical communication takes all forms of the language inside. That’s finding a partner or more is a must. With the, you can practice every time necessary and possible. Schedule it to measure more easily the progress of yours.

6. Non-stop vocabulary enrichment

Some linguist said that language is a matter of vocabulary that is set up into sentences and expressions. Keep enriching your vocabulary. Write the on the walls, note book desktop, every where. This will make you in touch always with the new words.

7. Visit the country where the language is officially spoken

All learning process will never be complete without visiting the original country where a foreign language is officially spoken. Manage to visit the country. This will really motivate and encourage your confidence to be one the language speaker.

Imagine when you open your emails; you get lots of messages from some fellows worldwide. Or when you open your face book, you chat with a few overseas friends of yours. It must cool. Follow the simple tips on how to master a foreign language above. You will find your self be convenient to speak the new language you have been dreaming for so long

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