Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tips for Natural Diet Program: Reduce Your Meal

When talking about losing weight, the efficient diet management is the most wanted option to choose. Since purchasing diet pills doesn’t cost a little cash, natural diet program by which extra spending can be saved turns to be interesting. Given lots of alternatives, self-commitment to reduce daily meal is fairly effective to work. Here you some tips for having natural diet programs where you manage to reduce daily meal.

1. Smell the flavor of your meal prior to eating.

According to the research finding of Alan Hirsch, M.D, a neurologist from Medical School of Illinois University in Chicago, smelling the meal flavor can manipulate the central brain which is in charge for giving full-feeling signals. He recommended that you smell

2. Check you body weight regularly

It’s natural when increasing body weight happens during the period of diet program. This might occur due to personal duties that weaken self commitment to be always strict to the meal served on the dining table. What is the solution? Check you body weight regularly. This will improve your awareness of being more committed to diet. Conversely, don’t respond badly when you find the body is increasing in weight. Accept that for granted. And plan to manage you meal forward much better in order not to exceed the proportional weight of yours.

3. Keep aware of the calorie you have consumed

Insight on the proportion of calorie can be easily found on the internet. Manage to have the ideal amount of calorie to consume every day. For instance, a plate of rice consists of 250 calorie, a slice of bread worth 70 calories, or cheeseburger has got 310 calorie. Knowing these, you will be able and much wiser which best option to choose.

4. Chew bubble gum

Referring to research publicized by New England Journal of Medicine, sugar free can improve the capacity of burning out he consumed calorie. Mayo Clinic researchers said that chewing bubble gum 110 times every 12 minutes, can lift up the metabolism as much as 205.

5. Eat as slowly as possible

Don’t ever get rush when eating meal. Clinicians recommended that we chew 32 times before swallowing the meal we consume. Kathleen Melanson, Ph.D., the Director of Energy Metabolism Laboratory of Rhode Island University, said that eating slowly would reduce the volume of required meal to eat prior to being full. Drinking much water while eating will be helpful as well in line with reducing the volume of meal to consume.

These five tips for natural diet program in which to reduce your meal becomes the choice deserve your concern to giving a try. You don’t always need to waste much money when dealing with losing weight. I wish you would have a sexy and slim body soon afterward.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Those are so simple and nice natural diet program tips!! Thanks for sharing!!


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