Monday, March 30, 2009

Tips: How to master a foreign language

Today is globalization era where people can communicate to each other without limit. Given the increasing information technology, time and space dimensions are disembedded, said Anthony Giddens. Since communication needs another communicant’s own language, we need to learn and even master the certain foreign language. The remaining question will be how to master a foreign language. Here you some simple tips on in.

1. Forget your mother language

Our mother language has conquered every single thing in minds; thinking, logic, words, expressions, etc. Try to forget it and effort to get into the new world of the language you are going to master. This will compulsorily treat you to unconsciously apply the language you intend to learn. Additionally, this will remove the basic sense of communicating message from your given mother language to the new language.

2. Express ideas in the language you want to master

No matter what and who you are, you must always write, communicate, or speak. Express them in the language you are learning at the moment. This needs extra effort and energy accordingly. Somehow, you will find it easier and easier as the period of exercises goes. Start now or you will be too late to master the new language you dream of mastering it.

3. Identify the differences of your mother language and the new language you learn

There are lots of differences between your mother language and the foreign language learned. Identify how they work in expressing ideas and setting up sentences. This will be the basic and fundamental knowledge to apply the correct expression of certain foreign language.

4. Find a private consultant to guide your learning process

Tutor or consultant is just the same. They will be the ones who guide us learning the new language. Have a private tutor that will give the important clicks of the language you are learning. This will accelerate the process of mastery.

5. Find one or more partners to keep practicing

Practical communication takes all forms of the language inside. That’s finding a partner or more is a must. With the, you can practice every time necessary and possible. Schedule it to measure more easily the progress of yours.

6. Non-stop vocabulary enrichment

Some linguist said that language is a matter of vocabulary that is set up into sentences and expressions. Keep enriching your vocabulary. Write the on the walls, note book desktop, every where. This will make you in touch always with the new words.

7. Visit the country where the language is officially spoken

All learning process will never be complete without visiting the original country where a foreign language is officially spoken. Manage to visit the country. This will really motivate and encourage your confidence to be one the language speaker.

Imagine when you open your emails; you get lots of messages from some fellows worldwide. Or when you open your face book, you chat with a few overseas friends of yours. It must cool. Follow the simple tips on how to master a foreign language above. You will find your self be convenient to speak the new language you have been dreaming for so long

Friday, March 27, 2009

Tips for Natural Diet Program by Drinking Water

We don’t always have to spend plenty of cash when losing weight becomes the primary concern. Previously there were a few tips for natural diet program by reducing meals. It comes to explore the use of water in response to making your cheap weight loss program works effectively. Here you the 5 tips for natural diet program by drinking enough water from day to day.

1. Drink enough water

Our bodies consist of lots of water to make the metabolism work normally. That’s why we often hear doctors recommend the patients to drink water during recovery process. Actually not only those ill people who have to consume enough water, but also those who want to make their body healthy and manage certain natural diet program. How could it be?

As a matter of fact, water is not only the way to wash out the body from poisonous living organism, the so-called toxin. Having enough water will help maintain the healthy and fit body to endure. 3 liter of water is minimum volume to be consumed by people aged 20s.

Additionally, water can discourage individual tendency to overeat. This part is scary for those who manage to have strict diet. Since we want the good result of reducing the meal volume, drink more than required by the body. You will have better health and find your weight decrease.

2. Drink water to start your day

As soon as you get up from bed, get used to drinking a glass of water especially the cool one. Cool water helps reduce the breakfast quantity that you will regularly have after few minutes to come. How about the habit of morning coffee or tea? It doesn’t have to be stopped. But manage to drink a glass of water before going to have your coffee or tea.

3. Drink water before meal

We usually drink water as soon as we finish the meal. In order to reduce gorging meal when having lunch or dinner, get to drink a glass of water or more. You will accordingly feel a bit full prior to eating your meal. The clinicians said that one third of our gastric hollow consist of water. The other two third have to be normally filled by meal and air through respiratory. Fill out the volume of water more than 1/3.

4. Drink water while having meal

To reduce the quantity of meal, you need to drink in between having lunch or dinner. This is simple but very helpful and effective to control your overeating habit. A glass of water will be enough. You can continue to eat afterward.

5. Drink no bottle drinks

Drinking water without calorie is helpful when doing natural diet program. Contrary to that, sweetened water like soda or alike is presenting lots of calorie to your body. Don’t consume such bottled drinks. You will be sorry when pound of your body weight increase. Drinking enough water is good but not the sweetened bottle drinks like soda.

The five points of explanation are simple to carry out within your day to day habits. Tips for natural diet program by drinking water might be the simplest way ever in dealing with weight loss. Give a try to reduce you weight for health and save your extra cash.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to enjoy your best vacation in Bali

Bali is a well-known island worldwide situated in the southern Indonesia and one of the Lesser Sunda Island, in the Indian Ocean. Having the top pleasure of sightseeing in Bali will give an impressive memory which will be unforgotten everlastingly. Since vacation doesn’t come frequently due to the continuing tasks at work, don’t ever miss your wonderful holiday there without something special to remember. Here you a few tips on how to enjoy your best vacation in Bali.

1. Early Hotel & villa reservation

Early Hotel or villa reservation is important. Every vacation has got its own typical objectives to achieve. Bearing in mind that thousands of people worldwide visit Bali Island, you have to set up your coming vacation as early as possible. Given particular panorama expected to take pleasure in, you should be smart to decide where the best destination will be. Useful information available to search for in internet will help much.

Since selecting numerous types of hotels and villas takes longer time, one stop service in which hotel reservation included will be much more convenient. There are a few agencies that have been well known due to their bona-fide service given. One of the leading one stop service agency is PT. Bewish Internastional Tour which provided online access and information As soon as the vacation plan of yours is already set up, get to know how such one stop service can help you forthcoming wonderful vacation.

2. Get one day tour package

One day tour package is the simplest way to enjoy the various destinations available in Bali. As soon as you have done a reservation service, you will just need to enjoy the great adventure to come.

There are a lot of agencies providing such service. One of the first provider is Many one tour package are offered ranging from Kintamani, Ubud, Jimbaran, Tanah Lot, and many more. The cash to spend is really cheap. It costs as much as US$ 20-40 per each holidaymaker. The more the number of passengers the lower the cash to spend will be.

3. Sun burning at the beach

Sun burning is one of the most exciting activities for overseas visitors. Get your best moment at the beautiful beach of Bali. The options are many; Kuta, Sanur, etc. Some travel agencies also offer such additional service when you have a particular package of tour.

4. Typical souvenir to bring home

Above all wonderful experience to enjoy during your vacation in Bali, souvenirs are something valuable to remind the best moment you spent in this ‘God Isle’. Manage to get some interesting souvenirs. Some places like Seni Guwang and Sukawati market might be the good destination to get various kinds of local souvenirs to bring home.

The vacation plan is important prior to spending our great holiday to come. Knowing how to set up every single thing on vacation is more important due to pleasure will be obtained within. Follow the steps on how to enjoy your best vacation in Bali. Have the most wonderful experience ever in your life.

How to cope with stress using diary

Almost everybody has ever been suffering from a bothering stress. This discomfort feeling when thing that we expect does occur as like we want regularly comes with certain factors that might be beyond our awareness. The factors can be something usual but unclearly identified to be the causing matters. It’s time to know how to cope with your stress using diary that you keep writing from day to day.

Diary is used as our daily record over any occurrence and occasions we have. Some of them or may be mostly tend to be something special to us. When the demand of releasing your stress is getting uncompromised, you have the way you write personal diary. Be concerned with the affirmation that stress has to be special case to cope with in the diary as well. How to do that? Here you some steps on how to cope with stress using your own diary.

1. Write every single moments of feeling stressed in the past.

You might not be able to write all. Write what you can still remember from the past experience of yours when dealing with stress. The principle here is the more the better and the more detailed the better as well.

2. Identify the factors and reasons behind

Try to remember what happened exactly right before you felt that stressed in the past. There might some causing factors behind. Write each of them in line with the type of stress that you used to suffer from.

3. Put down what you did to cope with the stress

You passed that moment. It means you had done a little thing to make it passed. What did you do at that time to deal with the stress feeling? Write down as clearly as possible.

4. Review what you have written and understand more deeply

As soon as you have done the 3 steps above, please review and read carefully what you have written. Understand in depth the type of stress, the causes behind, and the solutions that you took to cope with that in your diary of course.

Having done with the first four steps above, it means that you have got started to optimize the use of your diary for the stress management. The following 3 steps below should be carried out afterward.

5. Write down clearly whenever you get stressed from now on

You might have owned some knowledge how to deal forward with similar or new kind of stress feeling. You knew as well what you did to cope with it. Whenever you have such stress problem no matter what they are, just write them down in the diary. Write comprehensively and completely.

6. Consult to the right people

As the main problem of causing stress has been known and identified, please consult to some friends, parents, or teachers that you believe in them so much. The one you will consult to should be the one that you knew well. This is the way to compile some good options to release and solve the problems of stress.

7. Decide your best choice of the given options

Be brave to make a decision. Take a risk when necessary. You will have to be more convenient at least after being so careful in analyzing the factors behind as well as the alternative solutions to cope with stress.

Stress management is important due to the problem never free from one’s life. Knowing how to cope with stress will definitely help produce better performance of yours. It’s even just by using your own diary. Give it a try. Good luck.

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