Smoking is not healthy. Everybody realize this even the smokers them selves. Given the self approval, the addicted smokers cannot still get out from this deadly addiction, smoking. Stop blaming yourselves why you cannot change. Follow the following steps by which you can find your self better. It’s when you stop smoking without any hesitance and looking back to your bad past habits.
1. Identify the reasons why you smoke
There must be some reasons why we do something. Smoking is included. Identify the reasons why you have to smoke and feel comfort to do so. While at the same time you realize that it is no good choice. Knowing these reasons with each detailed when, where, and how will help you understand they you are in relation with smoking habit.
2. Find alternative ways to meet your best convenience just as why you smoke
There are various ways to be and to do things. List them in relations with your convenient moment to do smoking. Prioritize them based on your own interest and preference. Since then, you can always remember that the alternatives are available in mind to carry out instead of smoking.
3. Ask for the feedback from your beloved couples or family
Beloved couples or family members have certain extent of significant meaning in our life normally. Ask for their honest and sincere feedback about how good when you quit and stop smoking. They will support you. No going to those who have bad manner of mocking good intention to do new things. You don’t need them though they are your family. But those who really care about the good you have to be and get in life. They are the real beloved. Ask for their support and feedback.
4. Create positive suggestion in your mind
Believe your selves that you can stop. Trust you selves you are not addicted to smoking. Things will be softened and easier then. This suggestion will give good power to your soul to once or twice try to find another thing instead of smoking.
5. How many kilometers of cigarettes have been smoking?
Bluntly speaking, the final question that you have to ask to you selves is how many kilometers of cigarettes have you been smoking so far? Trying to know for sure and realize this will help you aware that unmerciful smoking habit has been that really deadly along your ages. Count it!
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