There are lots of theories and methods of learning a foreign language. They can be alternative to know how to learn foreign language. After all, we wish there would be certain and extraordinary way by which we can understand and speak a new foreign language fast or in a short period of time. Do you want to know how to master a foreign language fast? Here you the crazy ways of mine.
1. Find some private students
You don’t need to be a student to learn a new foreign language. You had better become the private teacher in order to have double result of learning process. By the way, you make extra money from that as well.
2. Find a foreign couple whose a certain language you are currently learning
Not to provoke you to play back after behind your existing couple. It’s all about how to directly sense the way a certain foreign language is. The best way is to hear and listen it immediately from the native speakers. Get them to be your couple. Why not if managed?
3. Label all stuff around to enrich your vocabulary
Vocabulary is the essence of any language before the given structure and grammar. In order to enrich your vocab, just stick the name of stuff surrounding in the language you are currently learning; at home, office, etc. The more the better is our principle in here.
4. Watch a foreign TV program without sub-titling into the mother language
Hundreds of TV channels worldwide are accessible easily and delivered in each language of the broadcasting country. We usually take benefit from the available subtitling facility on the TV channels. That’s why we never feel guilty when we cannot understand the original spoken language. It’s time to turn off the subtitled language. Have another subtitle language beside your mother language. You will have afterward to focus on the given and original spoken language on the TV program. Prove to show that you are to learn fast.
5. Attemp to seduce a foreigner with their language
Seduce is fun as long as it doesn’t disbenefit and endanger anyone. Take the positive sides please. When finding a certain foreigner to whom you want to practice a certain language under learning, you can just get him or her and try to practice. The most challenging and interesting way to practice is just by seduce. You have to appear great and well spoken in the language at least. Exploit the desire of looking good in order to master fast the foreign language.
6. Buy some picture books for kids
Books for kids might be silly to read especially for adults. But remember, something silly and ridiculous help energize better our memory to work than usual. Pictures, big fonts, unique lay out of the book and its cover as well will be something different to have. This is the very way to learn fast the foreign language. Prove it that this is true.
7. Build a foreign language community of yours
When you feel less confident of your self learning process, afford to build a community where you can learn and practice a certain foreign language together. It doesn’t need to consist of many members. Three, four, or five are enough as long as they can work together well. Your shy will disappear and your confidence as well as sense of good competition to master faster than others will grow.
8. Compile the songs and videos in the language you are learning
Entertainment always keeps amusing us when we want to relax or so. Songs or videos are the options. Turn them into the language you want to master. Delete and put in the box all songs and videos in your own mother language. You will find different and challenged to consume the available foreign ones. Dare you?
Hi, thanks for useful advices! Below are the basic ways of how you may accelerate your language studying that worked personally for me: