Most of developing countries always need additional foreign investment in order to stimulate the growth of their economy. Owing to the common problem of low people income, high number of unemployment, as well less instability of economic growth, developing countries take benefits much from foreign investments. In a form of buildings, manufacturers, and services, foreign investment embodies new opportunities of local human resources to make a living, while a the same time required raw materials from local sources could be easily consumed normally by the large demand of production.
Foreign investment produces lots of benefits for the host countries spanning from new increase of national employment, higher Gross Domestic Products, national income, and many more. Host countries concern very much with foreign investment by which fresh capital come in to the host country and contribute to the dynamism of economic development. However, foreign investment cost applies differently in accordance to each national policy. Some countries charge a few hour-process of foreign investment, while others seem to be too bureaucratic to impose certain procedures.
Foreign Investment in developing countries benefits the investors very much. Aside from foreign investment cost to pay, investing companies could reap the increasing profit from newly expanded market in the host country. The lower cost of procuring properties, buildings, and labors help enable more efficient budget to spend when compared with the rate in the home country itself. The availability of cheap work force opens broad business opportunities for foreign companies to gain bigger revenue annually.
Yet, most of foreign investors often find a set of annoying problems when investing their business capital in developing countries. In addition to the common legal permit for foreign investment, bureaucratic procedures often annoy the foreign investors very much. Not to say that all of developing countries are doing so, but some principal host target of foreign investment keep holding this bad culture to welcome overseas investors. Entertaining payment has to be paid to local officials in some countries who habitually charge additional cost unless the investment permit would not be signed of postponed if not rejected unilaterally. The subsequent consequence that investing companies have to face is an increasing foreign investment cost which exceeds beyond the given plan.
This must be unfortunate side of investing capital in developing countries for investors. Somehow, few countries like India, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia have shown principal improvement in dealing with foreign investment from overseas. Increasing foreign investment cost should not be a worry in the future anymore. Annoying bureaucratic procedures as well as bad manner of local officials have been much decreasing if not yet disappeared all in some developing countries. This would be good news for overseas investors to execute their business expansion across the world. Yet, the betterment of host countries to welcome the coming foreign investment doesn’t guarantee 100 percent the success of business that would be run. There are still lots of variables of business that overseas companies have to concern about to make sure that the investment grow and develop as much as expected.
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